Solvency rating uzA++

Solvency rating uzA++
The rating agency “Ahbor-Reyting” LLC, one of the leading independent agencies in Uzbekistan, approved the solvency rating for JV JSC “ISHONCH SUG’URTA KOMPANIYASI” at a high level of “uzA++” following the results of the year 2022. This decision stresses the strong financial performance and reliability of the company against the backdrop of the ongoing accelerated development of the insurance market of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
The assigned rating “uzA++” is the highest level of solvency on the national scale, reflecting a high degree of confidence that the insurance company will reliably fulfill its obligations to customers and partners. This means that “ISHONCH SUG’URTA KOMPANIYASI” has excellent financial strength and effective risk management.
Moreover, the “stable” outlook indicates that the agency expects the current rating of the company to be maintained in the near future based on current economic conditions and insurance market forecasts.
The confirmation of the rating at such a high level testifies to the strength of the “ISHONCH SUG’URTA KOMPANIYASI” business model, its ability to adapt to changing market conditions and successfully implement the development strategy. This also reflects the trust of the company’s clients and partners backed up by quality service and reliability of the insurance services provided.